Go on a virtual adventure to Paris by painting the ever popular Eiffel Tower in a whimsical way! Contact me before purchase to discuss details. Kayleighskanvases@yahoo.com or 518-641-9751.
When: A time agreed upon(approximately 2 hours long)
Where: Private Facebook group. You will receive an email with a link to join this private group 1-3 days prior to the event. You will have access to this private page until the day after your virtual paint party. If you do not have a FB page, No Worries! You will receive an email with a link to join the morning of the Paint Party.
What(you will need):
- Any size canvas(I will be using an 8"x10" canvas)
- 1" chip brush
- 1" flat brush
- round brush
- fine liner brush
- Bubblegum pink paint
- Dark pink paint
- Teal paint
- Purple paint
- Dark green paint
- Yellow-green paint
- Black paint
- White paint
- Gold metallic paint(Optional)
- Glitter paint(Optional)
These supplies can be found at most Craft Supply Stores(i.e.-Michael's, Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's, Walmart and more). Be sure to have all supplies set up and ready to go at least 30 minutes before the party.
How(to access our virtual party): I will post a link to our Virtual FB room in our private FB group. I will post it that morning, so you have time to find that post. I will also send you an email 1-3 days prior(depending on when you schedule) with a link to join the Paint Party.
GIVEAWAY: 1 or more lucky painters will be selected at random to receive a special giveaway! Don't miss out!
I'm so excited and I don't want you to miss out!
Post your finished painting on FB and tag @Kayleigh's Kanvases for an extra chance to win a special prize.